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  • Writer's pictureCourt (Wade) Caywood

How to Survive: The Carolina Reaper

By Gavin, Grade 8

Welcome back to How to Survive, Season 2 this time!

Let's get straight to the story. If you don't know, the Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper in the world measuring at 2 million on the Scoville Scale which is the scale of spicy things. So your in a restaurant and your order a meal. In that meal there is a garnish that just so happens to be a Carolina Reaper, but you don't know that. You eat it and you're instantly in immense pain. Don't worry the survival guide is here!

Step 1: MILK! Milk is your best friend out on the spicy field. It cures almost any spice so keep chugging your cow juice and you will be just fine.

Step 2: while you wait for the milk to kick in, you gotta keep your mind occupied. Play (if you have cards) a nice game of slap jack. It's a nice way to keep yourself engaged. And if you don't have cards then move to step 3.

Step 3 (final step): PAIN! Try pinching yourself or something to take your mind off your pain. It's all mind over matter.

That concludes this installment of how to survive!

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